Veterinary Mental Health
TURNING THE STETHOSCOPE AROUND - A podcast that dives deeper than compassion fatigue to explore the full complexity of mental health and wellness in the veterinary profession. In each episode you will be invited to examine your thoughts, habits, behaviors, and environment. Together we will identify patterns and create opportunities to improve your everyday quality-of-life and overall mental health. To increase your access to wellness information and resources, I invite you to sign up for my twice monthly newsletter. To explore the full range of my available material, please visit my website at At any time I welcome feedback and would be delighted to hear your suggestions or requests for future episodes. Feel free to contact me through any one of my social media platforms, or else write to me directly at Be Well.
Veterinary Mental Health
5. Navigating Negative Emotions
May 25, 2020
Taylor Miller
Season 1
Episode 5
Negative emotions are just as common if not more common than positive emotions. Despite this fact, they are often deemed socially unacceptable. This means we spend a considerable amount of energy internalizing negative emotions or masking them. Before we can express our negative emotions authentically, we often need to relearn how to recognize and differentiate between separate emotional states.
Read Blog Post: Navigating Negative Emotions
Access Handout: Decoding Negative Emotions
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